Charles Donaldson Ogira
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR YOUTH FORUM FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE Charles is a founder of a grassroots youth-led human rights defender’s organization in North-Eastern Uganda one of the most underdeveloped regions of Uganda, an organization he birthed due to the intense cases of human rights abuses and violations coupled with the bad governance and the lack of human rights consciousness in his post conflict region. He is a 26-year-old freelance writer, social justice activist and blogger who has extensive experience of writing poems, human rights and good governance articles and Essays. He marshalled the art of poetry to promote humor, harmony and peaceful co-existence in his society with remarkable publications in a Philippine’s anthology entitled ETERNALLY in pages 59 and 60 featuring his Nigerian and Ugandan friends Ngozi Olivia Osuoha and Norbert Ayela respectfully and India’s Anthology entitled LOVE MY REGION involving 157 Authors from 26 countries and editors being the Late Rajdeep Chowdhury and Dr. SS. Kanade from India. He comes from a humble background; his father is a Primary school teacher and his mother a peasant farmer. He lived and grew in Riamiriam cell, Kiru Town Council, Abim District, Karamoja sub-region in Uganda. He’s a prolific human rights defender passionate about protecting the rights of others and standing in solidarity with those whose rights are trampled on. He says he writes anytime if he feels like. His alias name is ORTIZ |