Darren founded, and officially launched Fathering Adventures in July 2008.
Until then, Darren had worked in the construction / consulting engineering industry since 1988, and managed his own structural design & drafting service since 2000. In his spare time, as the need arose, Darren helped to counsel individuals & relationships out of the pain of their past, into restoration, freedom, and life. He agrees with what sociologists and anthropologists have discovered after studying cultures around the world and down through the ages… “As goes the men; so goes the society”. For this reason, he has continued to lead men toward the path of authentic manhood… helping them to face and resolve wounds from their past, and inspiring, equipping, and empowering them to lead successful lives as men… both in their workplaces, and in their homes, as husbands and fathers… encouraging them to be all they desire to be. He has done this one-on-one, in small groups, men’s retreats, and other various speaking engagements. He has also lead by example… overcoming the challenges a child growing up in an alcoholic home brings, and continuing to dig deep into his own character. Just before Fathers Day in 2011, Darren had the great honour and privilege of being awarded the title of Queensland Father of the Year at a Luncheon in the State’s Capital. Darren has been married to his wife Melissa since 1991. They live in Townsville, in Tropical North Queensland, Australia, with two of their four sons. Darren believes in living what he teaches, so his spare-time is usually devoted to intentional one-on-one time with his beloved Melissa, and each of their sons. Melissa describes Darren as being “honest, intelligent, discerning, trustworthy, loving, compassionate, hard-working, self-motivated, self-disciplined, self-sacrificing, honourable, and courageous”. |
Melissa regards her role as wife (to the love of her life) and mother (to 4 glorious sons) as her most important life’s work.
She has been married to her husband Darren for over 25 years now, and together, they are deeply united in their desire to support and strengthen families, through the work of ‘Fathering Adventures’. She has a soft spot for girls navigating their way into womanhood, and cares equally about women being awakened to their true value and importance. Melissa loves (with a capital “L”) her family and friends. She knows that they are her true riches in this world. Heart-to-heart connections with her beloveds, or people she has just met, are one of her favourite ways to spend her time. She would also love to regale people with tales about her cute dog – but sadly she isn’t allowed to have one. The 2 cats that don’t love her like she loves them, will have to do. |