Welcome to an informal hello! What's big in my world?
Being as different as you are. Fitting in is not in your destiny! Playing every day. Play is the path to inspiration. Consciously creating a greater future. We all create. Let’s use it for good! Nurturing YOU. Nurturing goes beyond self-care. And it starts with allowing yourself to BE. Your voice. It is powerful. Use it to create the change the world is asking for. I’ve had just as many ’stuck’ situations in my life as anyone. The difference between me and anywhere you are still stuck is I made a conscious choice to move beyond the limitations that I thought were true. The difference between someone who creates a lot in the world and someone who creates very little is the willingness to receive judgement, without making it real. Learning this has changed everything for me! I've been anxious, confused about my life's direction, a workaholic, broke, burnt-out, in narcissistic relationships... and ultimately I've created beyond all of this to create a life where I travel as much as I choose, I write, I create, I adventure, I magic, I explore... and most of all I play! MY ENCHANTED LIFE IS NOT AN ACCIDENT. IT’S A CONSCIOUS CREATION & CONTINUING TRANSFORMATION! When people see me travelling all over the world, being happy every day, making my business into a playful adventure, doing fun things in the middle of the week… they sometimes call me ‘privileged’. Yes I am. I took the privilege we all have to create our life as we desire it to be and did something with it! Starting from the mud of everything that was ‘wrong’ in my life, I chose to be always creating the life I adore. We all have the choice. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you. And if your life sucks, or it’s just not as brilliant and magical as it could be, start transforming it today. Every. Choice. Makes. A. Difference!! |
Lisa Contributed a Quote about Love to the 1000 Ripple Effects of Love Ebook. To read more Love Quotes, you can visit the Blog HERE! The 1000 Ripple Effects of Love Ebook is a Gift of Love just for You. You can download the ebook: Please visit the Website HERE! |
Humanitys Heart Interview
When you watch this video, I hope you are inspired to live your fullest life. I certainly felt my heart full after interviewing Lisa. Lisa Murray is a transformational coach for conscious, creative visionaries. Her vision is for you to know the truth of who you are, and for you to create whatever makes you thrilled to be alive. Lisa’s work intuitively invites you to activate your *UNDIMMABLE* presence, trust your knowing and create the magical love-fuelled futures your soul knows is possible. An unconventional mix of the magical mystical and the entrepreneurial, Lisa has been creating businesses since she was 8. In the last ten years she’s written two books ‘Stop Waiting, Start Creating’ and ‘Living Beyond Burnout’ and created over 150 courses, retreats and live events globally. Find her current offerings at www.LisaMurray.co |