Philicia Baugh Pringle is an unforgettable Inspirational Speaker and Mompreneur who has built her platform of parenting on purpose and overcoming identify issues on the back of a twenty-two-year journey of self-discovery and servitude. Philicia holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services and Masters of Science degree Criminal Justice. In 2016 she completed a doctoral level degree in Educational Leadership (EdS). A Board Certified Human Services Practitioner, she founded the first nonprofit shelter solely for homeless women with newborns in South Carolina. She served as a contributing blogger for the National Campaign for Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Guardian ad Litem for Cumberland County, NC, Rape Advocate, and an active Board Member for several related organizations. Philicia is Founder and Chief Consultant of the Baugh Agency, LLC, a boutique Public Relations and Communications firm elevating nonprofit organizations and for-profit business to new heights. Philicia’s signature topics include Parenting on Purpose from all Angles, Education over Adversity, and the Self Discovery of a Leader. This former teen mom is now a happily married mother of three.
Facebook: @TeamPringle Twitter: @PhiBaugh IG: Philicia Baugh Pringle YouTube: Philicia Baugh Pringle Email: [email protected] |