14 Principals of Success Every Stay At Home Mum Needs to Know!
Why do some Stay At Home Mums get all the Luck helping them to succeed while many “brilliant” Stay At Home Mums can’t get a break?
This question has been studied by the greatest thinkers throughout the ages. Thousands of hours and millions of dollars have been spent studying the most successful people in our society. They have been interviewed extensively. Today we know more about what it takes to become successful than we have ever known before. Some people think that all successful people are just lucky; they have had the lucky breaks in life. They think that unsuccessful or unhappy people are just victims of bad luck.
Does this mean that people who started off from disadvantaged backgrounds, worked hard and climbed to positions of prominence by their own application of effort were just lucky?
Of course, not. These "successful" people simply think and act differently than ‘poor’ people. They work smarter, applying certain key concepts of success that give them the winning edge.
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