I have been a professional energy worker for over 16 years, training in Reiki to level 3, Massage and Reflexology. I have treated humans, horses, dogs and cats with my healing energy. I always could feel an energy, and it was with this feeling truly in place that I was able to become a competent worker with others, for all this time.
I have also facilitated group work(open circles), whereby I work with the energy of each individual and support them in releasing and being in the now. I used art as a way of anchoring the individual in the process of unfolding. So they all had a piece to take home and remind them of their own healing work. Before my unfolding as a healer, I went on a series of transformational workshops with Jack and Jan Angelo, the space they gave me and the way that they worked, using traditional ceremonies and teachings were full of Native American influences helped me access myself. I was opened up in a way that has served me ever since in everything that I do. My healing energy flowed, and my creativity exploded out of me. From then on when I looked at a piece of paper to create it was this feeling that flowed through me, this total oneness of me and the creation. With absolutely no intention of creating a specific form, I just sat with the paper and allowed the creation to appear. In my childhood, I was the quiet, sensitive kind who found art and animals my true friends, and my creations were replications of my restrictions. I was good at art but they were always the drawing of an object perfectly, and it never was. Although I am still drawn to my art and continue to paint, I was at discontent with that I had created. When I became 16 my dream was in place to do something with my art; I had a fantastic art teacher who encouraged me to dig deeper into my work. She championed me to look at things a different way, step further out of my comfort zone, and in my GCSE year I developed ME, it stopped me from completing my studies, and my dream of doing something with my art vanished with the onset of the illness. Or instead it seemed to vanish, but in reality, as with all twists in life it was for my higher good. It was through my recovery that I started to question my view of life and myself and embarked on self-healing. It gave me a passion for holistic living and being and put me in line with Jan and Jack Angelo, who opened the door of my inner artist. I haven't looked back since my passion and desire is firmly within me. It took a back seat as I became a mother, but in taking on this role, my work has deepened further. Life teachings deepen the character, and it has positively transformed many aspects of my life. As I journeyed further and further into parenting, my path opened up, my life path. I started to write about my parenting style, I am regularly published on my parenting now and the more I write the more passionate I become about passing on my message. Heart centered parenting from myself has evolved into Conscious Parenting for all, I offer the service to pass on to others; to support and guide them on the path of parenting that is so natural for you and your child. My art work is healing, my writing is healing, my work with others is healing. All are connected. Many blessings ART EXHIBITIONSPrevious Exhibitions Creates Gallery, Monmouth - Oct - Dec 2018 MONTEAS, Monmouth - August 2017 Sacred Tree Spirit, Symonds Yat- April-June 2018 USEFUL LINKSwww.jackangelo.net Artist, healer and inspirational teacher who has walked many person on the path of inner knowing www.kayleverton.webplus.net Artist www.kenaz24photography.com/ Inspirational Photographer www.bdld.co.uk/ Parent and child parenting yoga, the art of bonding with your ever growing child, I am a qualified teacher. |
Ignite Your Life Interview
WOOHOO my 100th 💯 episode for IGNITE YOUR LIFE podcast. Sally Saint finds that following her truth ignites her. She is an artist, writer, healer and speaker and has worked as an energy worker for over 16 years. Sally parents from the heart and has been so transformed by her mothering journey she now reaches out to support others. Her passion for supporting parents so they make decisions from the heart rather than from what society dictates, is inspiring. Click HERE! To Listen |
Humanitys Heart Interview
Sally Anne Saint is the founder of Wise Woman Guide, she is an author, radio show host, healer and guide to women who wish to reconnect with the wisdom inside Be inspired by Sally to find your truth and live your best life in flow with your true self. |