Written by: Steve Barker
I am Enough Coaching The minefield of emotions How do you manage your emotions? Do you manage them at all? Or do you try to ignore them and hope that they will go back to where ever they came from? What are emotions? They are in really basic language, little messages sent from your brain to give you feedback on how you are going, how you are viewing and reacting to given situations. Some people see them as gifts, most of us see them as exploding nuggets that can send us off on a tangent for a while. How about if I were to explain some of the many emotions to you, so that you can understand them and then know how to help them melt away, back to nothing. Or even better, how to cultivate your garden of positive emotions, how to make them grow and become the overriding force of emotions, rather than having negative emotions all the time? Does that sound good or what? First of all, let’s look at a basic rule around emotions. You cannot ignore them, they need to be acknowledged and addressed. If you try to ignore an emotion, it will keep coming back, stronger and stronger until you acknowledge it and do something about it. So with that in mind, lets rock and roll and find out more about emotions. I am going to address 3 commonly felt emotions –negative and positive (there are many more and I am happy to unpack these with anyone who wishes to with me). Hurt First of all let’s look at the emotion of “Hurt” - This is a feeling that dominates human relationships, both personal and professional. Feelings of hurt are usually generated by a sense of loss. When people are hurt, they generally lash out at others. So what is the message that our brains are trying to tell us when we are experiencing the emotion of being hurt? The emotion of hurt tells us is that we have an expectation that has not been met. Many times this feeling arises when we’ve expected someone to keep their word and they haven’t, this can even happen if you have not told them of your expectation. In this case you feel a loss of intimacy, or maybe a loss of trust with this person. It is the sense of loss that creates the feeling of hurt. What is the action we need to take to acknowledge the emotion and what can we do about it: Realise that in reality you may not have lost anything. Maybe what you need to lose is the false perception. I know this sounds crazy, but did you really lose something? Or did you perceive to lose something, was that thing “yours” to lose? Reevaluate the situation, Ask yourself is there really loss here? Or am I judging the situation too soon or too harshly? Another solution is to communicate elegantly and appropriately communicate your feeling of loss to the person involved. By discussing your feeling of loss, explaining why you feel the way you do, you may be able to help the other person realise that you feel that you have been let down, felt used or your trust has been abused. The other person may not even have realised that these boundaries even existed let alone have been breached. The ripple effects of this emotion can be far reaching, they may stop you from entering into other relationships, and they may generate trust issues within yourself, which in turn can manifest themselves in all manner of negative ways as your life continues. So, have the courage to address this emotion as soon as you feel it. Frustration Frustration can come from many avenues in our life. Any time we feel like we are surrounded by roadblocks, walls or obstacles…where we are constantly striving to achieve, putting out effort, but not getting any reward, you are so close but never seem to be able to complete it successfully. What is your brain trying to tell you when you feel like this? The message of frustration is an exciting one, it is your brain saying it believes you can do better than you currently are. It preconceives that the solution to your problem is within reach, within range, but what you are currently doing is not working and you need to change your approach. So what do you need to do to acknowledge this emotion and then to go and a resolve it? Realise that frustration is your friend, and brainstorm new ways to get a result Get some input on how to deal with the situation. Find a role model, someone who has done it before, ask them for input on how to more effectively produce your desired outcome. Get fascinated by what you can learn that could help you handle this challenge, not only today, but in the future, in a way that consumes very little time or energy and actually becomes a joy. The ripple effect is that as you get used to recognising when you are feeling this emotion, you can address it quickly. In turn this means that you will be wasting less time and resources and achieving your goals and outcomes much quicker, with less resources and waste. You will become a superstar, the emotion of frustration will give way to fascination and you will learn as you achieve. The ripple effect for this is endless and exciting, just imagine where you can now go armed with this understanding of how to overcome frustration and turn it into fascination. Anger Emotions include everything from being mildly irritated to being angry, resentful, furious or even enraged. The Message that this emotion is telling us is that: An important rule or standard that you hold for your life has been violated by someone else, or maybe even by you. When you get the message of anger, you need to understand that you can literally change this emotion in a moment. What can you do to make this change happen, to acknowledge the emotion and to melt it away in an instant? Realise that you may have misinterpreted this situation completely. That your anger about this person breaking “your” rules that you know exist and the fact may be that they don’t know what’s most important to you (even though you believe they should). Realise that even if someone did violate one of your standards, your rules are not necessarily the “right” rules, even though you feel as strongly as you do about them. Ask yourself an empowering question – in the long term, is it true that this person really cares about me? Interrupt the anger by asking yourself, what can I learn from this? How can I communicate the importance of my standards, in a way that causes them to want to help me uphold these standards/rules? The ripple effect of this, is that you are taking control of the situation, you are realising why you are feeling angry. To do this, means you have high self-awareness, which in turn means you can control yourself. Imagine, being able to control yourself in all situations, you can raise your awareness to a level where you can foresee the situation becoming out of control and do something about it. Even turn it around and have others help you maintain the importance of rules and standards. Self-awareness and Self-control are two game changing life skills to have and if you have mastered them you can take your life to a whole new level. Now we have addressed 3 common negative emotions – there are actually 10 common negative emotions in total. Let’s have a look at 3 positive emotions. I want you to think of these positive emotions as seeds, you need to plant these seeds each and every day, nourish them, water them and watch them grow. Eventually they will grow so much they will envelop your world and surround you with all that is good about life. You can do this, and use these emotions as your day to day mindset, not allowing the negative emotions to break through and when they do, you know you can handle them. Love and Warmth The consistent expression of love seems to be able to melt any negative emotions it comes in contact with. To embrace anything and show it love and warmth, will not allow any negativity to creep in and destroy you. I know it sounds airy fairy, but try it, you will be amazed at how powerful it is. I was astounded by its power. Try this - If someone comes to you in a state of hurt or anger and you consistently respond to them with love and warmth, eventually there state will change and the intensity will melt away. The ripple effect is that everything, everyone that comes into contact will feel your love and warmth toward them, and in turn, they will reflect this back to you. What you give, you shall receive. Determination All emotions are invaluable, but there is one that you must have if you are going to create lasting value in this world. Determination means the difference between being stuck and being struck with the lightning power of commitment. For example, if you want to lose weight, give up smoking, make more business calls at work, pushing yourself, just won’t do it. You need to be putting yourself in a state of determination. All your actions will spring from that source and you’ll just do whatever you need to automatically to achieve that outcome. Without it you are doomed to frustration and disappointment. You need to cultivate your determination in a way that you set your goals properly. The ripple effect of determination is that you will be unstoppable, you will power through any obstacle, never give up and will achieve everything you set out to. Even more so, you will learn, grow and develop massively as you encounter each obstacle, because you will develop ways of getting past them to achieve that goal you are determined to achieve. Flexibility Is the one seed to plant that will guarantee success, it is your ability to change your approach. If you think about all those negative emotions, they are calls to action for you to be more flexible!! Choosing to be flexible is choosing to be happy. Flexibility is the key to everything, to be able to zig when the rest of the world is zagging. This flexibility will allow you to cultivate your emotions and then you will surely develop…. The ripple effect ties in with the ripple effect from determination, flexibility to adapt to any situation at a moment’s notice will enable you to dodge those obstacles, to see them coming and not run into them, but to side step them and keep going without losing momentum. In conclusion, you own your emotions, they don’t own you. So only you can stop you from achieving anything in life, only you can acknowledge those emotions and move forward. So own them, believe in yourself, nurture the positive and grow them like a much loved garden, strive for your very best in life. You are Enough.
Hello and Welcome Stuart Walter to the 1000 Ripple Effects Book Project!
“My passion is in seeing and being a part of people’s success. I work with some of the best athlete’s in the world and business leaders to maximise performance”. “My mission is to empower people to change the way they think, believe and behave in a way that empowers others. A simple statement, yet by helping one person to achieve success in their life, it does have the ripple effect and those around them are also driven to action and success.” For the past 11 years, Stuart Walter has served as a Professional Hypnotherapist and NLP specialist for elite athletes, business owners and individuals around Australia to be a better version of themselves. Regarded as Australia’s #1 for sports hypnosis and with 32 World Champions as clients, who would argue? Stuart has directly impacted the lives of thousands of people. Highly respected as an authority for developing systems and strategies for accelerated and lasting transformations. Around Australia and now building demand overseas in Europe, Stuart is sought after by sports coaches, elite athletes and business owners for mindset success training. That is why he was named the Athlete’s Secret Weapon’ by one of his successful Olympic clients, when interviewed about her Silver Medal success in London 2012, as ‘My Secret Weapon’ and the name stuck! Place Stuart on a stage in front of an audience and he really shines, the ability to connect and empower a crowd has to be seen to be believed. Laughter, motivation and tears always the result as he uses his natural abilities to get to issues and breakthrough and generally so subtly you don’t know it has happened...until it has. None of this over hyped motivational ra ra ra that lasts for 3 days… Stuart transforms lives as he speaks. His difference is the ability to tap into and work the unconscious mind that is 95% of how we think act and behave. Getting into the part of the mind that allows new decisions to be made and long lasting and immediate change is the result. He is a published Author and his book ‘The Dear Diary Process’ is transforming lives around the world overnight. This powerful process integrates all the self-development and motivational products and programs into 1, creating long lasting change and motivation to keep achieving. Over the last 11 years Stuart has been President or Vice President of AAPHAN (Australian Association for Professional Hypnotherapists and NLP Practitioners) and integral as a part of the working party setting up the National Peak body of Hypnotherapy to bring this amazing form of transformation to the public in a safe and professional manner. One of Stuart’s greatest passions is his son, he is the reason that he decided to pursue Hypnosis and NLP as a career. As Stuart says… “My son makes me laugh, he makes me cry and he leaves me speechless with his ability to think, develop, learn and understand life. This is the reason why 1000 Ripple Effects was a simple decision for me. To be able to impact the lives of millions, perhaps billions in the same way I have for my son would be my best success to date” Hello and Welcome Elizabeth Powers to the 1000 Ripple Effects Book Project!
She skillfully guides her clients to discover their own vision and life purpose; to unleash their inner passion and creativity; and to design a master plan for living the life of their dreams. Elizabeth lovingly assists each client in connecting with Source, their own unique inner being (the Divinity within), and their Higher Self. Elizabeth empowers her clients to reveal their innate truth, power, courage, and authenticity. She views each human being as a unique, valuable, and worthy child of the Universe with unlimited potential and possibilities. She calls her counseling style Empatherapy as she combines empathy and her own innate empathic abilities with a variety of modalities, tools and techniques. Elizabeth holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in the Humanities with an emphasis on Learning Facilitation (learning how to learn). She earned an Advanced Hypnotherapy Certification from Palo Alto School of Hypnotherapy, in Palo Alto, CA and was certified as a Life Mastery Facilitator by Hartmont Institute in San Francisco, CA. She is a certified Ananda Meditation Teacher and has been in the personal growth and spiritual development field for more than 25 years. During her college years, Elizabeth completed additional courses in speech pathology and counseling psychology. She incorporates in her work, a variety of therapeutic modalities, including Hypnosis, Voice Dialogue, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Guided Visualization, Energy Healing, Meditation, Past Life Regression, EFT Meridian Tapping, Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing Techniques, Accelerated Learning, Raja Yoga and Yogic Breathing, Rebirthing Breathwork taught by Leonard Orr, and Spirit Release Work as taught by the late Irene Hickman. For five of the eight years Elizabeth was active with the Human Awareness Institute, she served as an Intern assisting at “Love, Intimacy and Sexuality Workshops.” She also assisted with the Hartmont Institute’s experiential “Emergence Experience” workshops. By being present to the emotional and spiritual transformation of hundreds of participants from diverse ethnic origins, cultural backgrounds and gender identities, she gained profound insights into human nature that she brings to her work with individuals, couples, and groups. Elizabeth created and presented workshops entitled “Healthful Living,” “Pursue Your Passion,” “Communicate with Confidence” and “Coming Alive in ’95.” In the 1990’s she led two hypnosis workshops for senior citizens at the San Francisco Airport Hilton at the personal invitation of California Congresswoman Jackie Speier. Elizabeth is a former member of National Speakers’ Association. Spiritually speaking, Elizabeth has a diverse background in Eastern and Western philosophy and religion. She taught Episcopal Sunday School in her early years, studied earth based religions, and later became a Kriya Yogi. She is an avid student of New Thought including the teachings of Charles and Myrtle Filmore, Emilie Cady, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Ernest Holmes. In the past few years, Elizabeth has resumed her study of Tantra and actively participates in the local tantra community. It’s one of the things, including her artistic endeavors and practicing Biodanza, that helps to keep her feeling younger than her years. She loves to learn something new every day and is currently expanding her knowledge of Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Elizabeth is available for private sessions, classes, workshops on a variety of topics related to personal and spiritual growth. She currently sees clients online via Skype/ooVoo and can arrange to see clients locally. Although she prefers to be able to see her clients via video, she is willing to do phone sessions for those who are unable to access the live video internet options. If you have questions or need more information, please feel free to contact Elizabeth. Hello and Welcome Lisa Plumridge to the 1000 Ripple Effects Book Project!
Lisa says: I have a teaching career that expands 20+ years, where I have cross trained with educators and taught children of variable ages and abilities, ranging from 0-15 years. My experience encompasses working in the Childcare Industry and Education System in New South Wales and Queensland Australia. I specialised in studying and working as a Special Needs Teacher, I have provided mentoring for training University students, have fulfilled a Learning Support Teacher role, currently hold a team member position on the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Team at the local primary school I teach at, and conducted individual private academic tutoring. After hiring my own Life Coach and co-presenting at Women of Self workshops, I had a strong tugging to pursue Life Coaching for Kids. I became a Certified WISDOM Coach for kids in 2014 and started my own business in 2015, Life By Your Design. My passion and personal drive as a Life Coach and Teacher, is to inspire, empower, and to embrace children’s uniqueness, where they transform and flourish into happy, confident, and successful individuals. I want them to develop a strong mindset that encompasses a VISION of possibilities, determination, and direction, ensuring they align themselves with their true ‘SELF’. And most importantly, I am a mum of two, a girl and boy who have truly inspired me to be the best I can be for myself and them. From the challenges of being a parent and having the job of raising children, they have taught me many lessons about life and about who I truly want to be. Hello and Welcome Kayleen Greagen-Castle to the 1000 Ripple Effects Book Project!
Kayleen is an Autobiographical Journalist (aka 'Real Life Writer'). With her first book predicted to be published in 2017, her passion and desire for helping people is clearly demonstrated with her honest free style of writing in all her modalities. Kayleen writes from her heart about life. Her thoughtful perspectives offer her readers unique and inspirational insights into her thinking and the way she takes on life around her and everything it throws at her. With a less than desirable childhood and many tragedies throughout her life, Kayleen is the true definition of a fighter and has now opened her life to the world through her blog where she shared deeply personal thoughts, feelings and memories along with inspirational pieces about life along with her experiences on her journey. Having inspirational groups and pages on Facebook with many followers is where her love of sharing her thoughts online first began with many people telling her how much her writing and inspirational pieces helped them. Kayleen had not always aspired to be a writer but since starting her autobiography 2 years ago she quickly found a true love of writing. After reflecting on the past, it quickly became evident that she is a very skilled writer and writing was always going to play a pivotal role in her life, which started with Poetry at a young age. Kayleen now brings words to the page and screen to inspire and help others while proudly and passionately dedicating her time to inspiring others through social media outlets online along with humanitarian causes. Kayleen is proudly incorporated with Kidzucate, an organisation founded by a 6 year old which is a Harm Prevention Charity and the 1000 Ripple Effects project. Kayleen is highly regarded and takes on life with warm appreciation and gratitude for all that is around her and the courage to stand tall with a strong and clear voice to help and support on the behalf of others. She recently recorded a live video on social media which has since been viewed over 11,000 times. Kayleen is a strong-spirited woman who supports and defends others, especially children whenever and wherever she can. Kayleens' voice is strong and has been publicly recognised for her efforts with one of the Top 100 most influential People of Perth for her endeavours both on stage as a speaker and the unnoticed efforts 'behind the scene'. Furthermore, Kayleen is an advocate for many things, one of them being kindness. Kindness is free and Kayleen understands first-hand the priceless value of kindness and what it's capable of and sets an example for her children and those around her at every opportunity to give back to others, which is why she was thrilled when she found out about 1000 Ripple Effects project, she just knew in her heart this was something she had to be involved with. You can follow Kayleens' Blog at www.thoughtfulperspectives.com Hello and Welcome Pradeep Sapkota to the 1000 Ripple Effects Book Project!
Pradeep Sapkota is a youth activist and founder / president of Change Nepalese Mission Organization(NGO). Their mission is to “change the negative norms and values from society to create a sustainable development”. He is involved with other international non-profit organizations seeking to create a sustainable development from grass level . Change Nepalese Mission is an organisation that aims to change the negative norms and values from society to eradicate the poverty , to create an environment and use activities that foster mutual respect, resilience, self-esteem, self-regulation, self-efficacy and leadership and to create a sustainable development from grass level to top level through Information and Communication Technology throughout Nepal. Hello and Welcome Shannon Lanzerotta to the 1000 Ripple Effects Book Project!
Shannon Lanzerotta has a Bachelor of Art in Communication and a Master of Science in Community Counseling. She is considered to be a perspective expert by fortune 500 companies who have paid her to train their employees. She is also a licensed counselor whose mission is to support moms through her Perspective Program™. In addition, she has a handsome Italian-American husband and feisty Italian-Irish-Native American son. When they go to bed, she stays up late at night looking through her old rodeo queen albums, therefore, she often lacks sleep. In addition, addition, she loses her cell phone/keys/mind constantly… so take all those degrees and accomplishments with a grain of salt, like everything else in life. To create Ripple Effects with Shannon, you can contact her at [email protected] or check her website www.sharas.org Written by: Steve Barker - I am Enough Coaching
I would like share with you today a memory about a time when I was a young boy. It was back in 1970’something….not that long ago at all lol.I was at school doing a gym class and back then we had climbing bars on a frame that used to pull out from the wall, these bars were about 10m high and when you got to the top they wobbled and shook like you were in an earth quake. We were told to climb up and over these bars, which I had done numerous times with no problems. Well this one day, as I climbed over the top and started down the other side the frame wobbled, as I reached out to grasp the frame with my hand, it moved away, my hand missed and I fell backwards, smashing the back of my head on landing and blacking out. I came around in the school office with the school nurse saying, he will be fine, just a bump! That is the day that I believe my fear of heights started. All of my life from that point on I have struggled with heights and whenever possible I have climbed high things in an attempt to overcome the fear. I have rock climbed, abseiled, been up towers, walked around the top of the Vatican in Rome a few times, and there really isn’t much room up there. I was working with a young guy who was about 14, a couple of months ago. We were on a boot camp near Brisbane and one of the activities was abseiling off a building approximately 25m high. The instructor asked for a volunteer to belay (safety man). I knew this young fella was as petrified of heights as me as we had discussed this beforehand, so I told him I would be the belay man on the top of the building and I would see him up on the top when it came to his turn. I could see the fear in his face, tears had started to form and he was white as a ghost. I reassured him that I had his safety and he would be fine. He reluctantly agreed. I climbed up the ladder, and I was far from comfortable with it. Even thinking about it now I can feel my pulse racing and my toes curling. I got to the top, and attached my safety line and then I had to look over the edge, straight down. I lowered the rope back down and my first customer was this young fella with the fear. Good on him I thought as I watched him getting attached. His voice was shaking as he shouted “Climbing!” Slowly he started, he got about 6m off the ground and froze. He could not move, he was hanging on to the ladder like his life depended upon it. I called out to him, reassuring him I had his weight and he was safe. I even gave the safety rope a yank for him to feel it. He looked up at me, I personally was terrified looking straight over the edge, looking down at him. However I knew I could trust my equipment, and that even though my instinct was one of impending doom and fear of falling, my unconscious mind was constantly telling me I was safe. I called down again and said, you’re fine, take a deep breath, feel the fear and use it as a fuel in your belly to take another step. He looked up, tears rolling down his cheeks and said……….ok. He did, I watched him take that deep breath and tentatively lift his leg, searching for the next rung, and then he reached up with a hand and pulled himself up. I immediately pulled up the safety line to keep it taught and him safe. Again he froze, but this time with no further encouragement he did it again, and again and again. Edging ever closer to the top. The rest of the young guys were now cheering him on from below, and he really started to believe. As his head popped over the edge, he arms were scrambling for something solid to hold onto, I guided his hands and then there he was stood next to me, on top of this 25m building. He was shaking with fear, but had a smile as wide as wide can be. He had achieved an amazing feat, he had taken one step closer to overcoming his fears. He didn’t abseil that day, that was one step to far for him, but he had climbed a 25m ladder. When I got down to see him, he told me how scared he was, but he had faith in himself, the equipment and me at the top of the building on his safety line. He said it was one of the most terrifying things he had ever done, but how he had enjoyed the view from the top. I believe that day, he learnt so much about himself; that he was braver than he ever imagined, that he was able to embrace the uncertainty and step into it anyway. He learnt that sometimes you have to rely on others for your safety, and that it is ok; because they have had to rely on others themselves sometime before and know the importance of it and the reassurance that goes with it. He learnt the power of encouragement from others, and his encouragement for others from that point onwards was transformational. Most of all, he learnt, that he was enough, right at that very moment to do something he had never considered possible and he did. What can we all take from this story, the first thing would be courage; this young fella knew he was terrified of heights, but he still challenged himself to attempt it. He could just have easily said no, and walked away from the challenge. He didn’t and now he knows he has the courage to try new things, the ripple effect is that he will try other challenging things as they pop up in his life. Can you think of any times when you have been scared, intimidated, challenged and took the easy option of saying no and walking away? Think of what it would of felt like if you hadn’t have walked away, if you took on the challenge. Now think of how you would feel now, knowing you have the courage to meet challenges head on, to take them on and even more to push through and feel the fear, but to embrace that fear and use it as a fuel. Imagine how you would be feeling right now, knowing you had done met the challenge. Take an even bigger leap to a point in the future, a time where you are faced with a challenge, you already know you have the courage and confidence to meet that challenge. Why? Because you have already completed at least one challenge and you know you beat the previous challenge so you can repeat the same strategy and beat this one. Another take away from this story is that of Trust; he had to put his trust in me that I was going to keep that safety line tight. He had to trust me with his safety, to catch him should he fall. Not only that, but to trust the equipment he was using, the ropes, the harness, the belay equipment. All of this trust he placed into items and people out of his control, this trust was his safety, his life possibly. That is an enormous achievement for him, combined with the stress he was already putting himself under. What is the ripple effect of this for him? Well, again, now he has done this, he will know he can trust others in similar situations. He will know he can trust his equipment. It is an area where he will not have to challenge himself in again, because he knows he has achieved it in the past. So once again, I ask you, when have you ever been asked to trust someone so much with your fears, with your safety, with your life? Did you give that trust, or did you shy away and choose the easy option? If you did give that trust, I bet it felt great afterwards, empowering and fulfilling that you were able to trust another human being so much. Or was it a system or equipment you put your trust in. I know it would have been awesome knowing someone had your back, that you could concentrate on the task knowing you were safe. Even more, I know if were in the same situation in the future, you would have no worries in giving your trust again. My final takeaway from this is encouragement and inclusion. The group of other participants who were waiting their turn could have easily sneered, jeered and laughed at this young guy. After all he was crying, shaking and hanging on to the ladder for dear life. No, instead they saw a fellow human being, part of their team/tribe who was suffering, and through words of encouragement, cheering and reassurance he was able to summon the courage, knowing he was not alone, and complete his goal. I am sure we have all been in situations where we have seen both sides of this equation. The sneering, jeering and laughing at someone who is in a situation they are not happy about. As well as that of seeing the support and encouragement, perhaps for a sports team or someone in a competition. Can you see the ripple effect of how if we were to encourage not only ourselves, but others as well, how much more will get achieved. How you and others can grow, learn, develop and achieve even greater things in life. There is also a ripple effect if the other option is chosen; if you sneered, jeered, discouraged, belittled other people, how their self-esteem, self-belief and confidence would drain away. How do you think they would feel? Now imagine that person was you? How would you feel? Would you ever want to try again in the future? What sort of impact on the future for you would that have? Knowing others would be laughing at you, wanting you to fail? I am sure you can see that encouragement, inclusion and teamwork are the way forward. Don’t be the part of society that always puts people down, because one day society will be putting you down, and I am sure you won’t have the strength to get up again after it has happened to you. In conclusion, only you can stop you from achieving anything in life, only you can make the changes you needed. So get out of your own way, believe in yourself, support and trust those around you and strive for your very best in life. You are Enough. ================================================ Other Blogs Written by Steve Barker 1) Dig Deep, You Will Be Surprised What you Find 2) The Minefield of Emotions 3) Understand You 4) 5) ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: https://www.1000rippleeffects.com ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: www.facebook.com/1000rippleeffects Twitter: www.twitter.com/1000rippleeffec Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: https://www.1000rippleeffects.com ================================================ Written by: Kayleen Greagen-Castle Ripple Effect noun 1. the continuing and spreading results of an event or action. We've all heard of 'The Ripple Effect', sometimes called 'The Butterfly Effect', where one small action can create an incredible sequence of events which tends to 'ripple' continuously creating a positive effect on all who's paths the ripple may touch. There's an incredible video on YouTube which shows the effects which one kind act can make, sometimes looping back to the person who acted kind in the first place, they may not even be aware of the 'circle' their random act of kindness has created. How I came to find 1000 Ripples A few months ago, I saw a call out on Facebook to Bloggers, Authors and Writers to join a collaborative project called '1000 Ripple Effects'. This immediately caught my attention and I responded to the post saying I was interested in some more information. Stacey promptly got in contact with me and within the next hour or two I was on a phone call with her to discuss this project and learn more about it. Standing on the front lawn of a friends house I was about to visit, my body was covered in Goosebumps as I listened to Stacey talk from her heart about this project and what her goals are, I was completely blown away. Goosebumps covered me from head to toe and my scalp tingled, not the type of freaky shivers you get but the type you get when something is so closely aligned with your heart you feel it through your whole body, this is what was happening. What Stacey was explaining to me was connected to my deepest hearts desire. "I'M IN!" I exclaimed excitedly and choked up as tears welled up in my eyes. (I'm a sook) but this cause is so beautiful, even if I wasn't to be involved, it would still tug on my heart strings. I was and am so utterly excited to be involved with 1000 Ripple Effects and I cannot wait to watch it all unfold! What is 1000 Ripple Effects? The project will be the creation of 4 books consisting of 250 stories each, totaling 1000 stories with the intention of sharing a pearl of wisdom with a child who does not have a Mum or Dad. These stories will not just be read by children but will create ripple effects for people reading it throughout the world. 'Every person who contributes a story to the book will be part of a child's life. You will be the Mum or the Dad that they never had. Your story will touch the hearts of many people, helping to restore faith in the world, letting people know that there are some really truly beautiful people who extend kindness and love and care and compassion to those around them.' An excerpt from www. 1000rippleeffects.com These books will be created with Authors from people all over the world and already has writers from several different countries. Ever heard the saying 'It takes a Village to Raise a Child'? One of the thing I love most about this, is the thought and consideration which has gone into a single child (of which there are many) who will not gain what so many others do and will often take advantage of, Motherly, Fatherly or life advice and encouragement. There are so many children in the world who unfortunately will not grow up with the general household banter about life and those late night talks explaining about how life goes sometimes. This is giving children the opportunity to learn some of those lesson you yourself might have grown up with, that pearl of wisdom your Mother gave you as an early teen, the Fatherly advice given to you about becoming a man, the advice your Grandmother gave you about life and the things to remember as you make your way through life. Stories and advice like those are what countless children will possibly never receive, well now they just might, with the hope packaged up inside these precious books. Taking the saying 'it takes a village to raise a child' and giving children who don't have the normal village an opportunity to receive priceless advice, or read valuable stories about life which will give them confidence and hope for their futures. How beautiful is that!!! What happens with the books once they're complete? The books will be distributed around the world and gifted to children in need. Each book will also be available for purchase via hard cover or audio-book. What happens with the proceeds from the books? This was one of the most beautiful things which caught my attention when I first spoke to Stacey about this project. 'The proceeds raised from the sale of this book will then be used to create ripple effects for many projects. Build Self sustainable communities, build certified organic farms, provide employment opportunities, finish building the hospital, provide parenting skills training.' An excerpt from www.1000ripples.com Want to get involved? The '1000 Ripple Effects' project is still on the quest for people to get involved. 'But I'm not a writer!' you might say, guess what, you don't need to be. Are you a Mum, Aunt, Grandma or just someone who feels they have a piece of advice to offer a child in need? YOU can be a part of this, isn't that amazing!! You don't need a special qualification, or to have specifically achieved something in life. We ALL have something inside of us which will help someone else, why not share it to help a child feel loved and cared for. Imagine a loved child in your family, imagine there will come a day you'll want to teach or tell them something important, what is it? Why not share it with a child or children who may never hear your words? Personal Testimony I grew up with a very broken childhood, and looking back now, I wish I had someone to sit me down and tell me about life, to make me feel understood or to take the time to show they cared enough to listen to my problems and give me advice. This project isn't just an amazing idea in my eyes and there is a great deal more under the surface for why I'm personally getting involved. Yes, I want to write a book, and I am, yes, I want to write blogs and share my stories, but more than that, I want to help children who need us, you and me. I was one of those children and I can personally attest to what it would have meant to me to have this book and these types of stories which will undoubtedly change the lives of children and people around the world. One small act, one story, one piece of advice has the potential to not only change a life, but to create one small ripple effect which can and will, be felt over and over throughout the world. YOU can make a difference. I can make a difference, together, we can ALL change the world. Want to know more? Head on over to www.1000rippleeffects.com to learn more about the project and how to get involved. Follow the progress of this amazing project, hear more stories of how this project is affecting others around the world and show your support via the Facebook page www.facebook.com/1000RippleEffects Stacey and the 1000 Ripple Effects project has featured in newspapers and several interviews all around the world, you can see, read and hear about them via both the website and Facebook page. ================================================
Other Blogs Written by Kayleen Greagen-Castle 1) Children are Our Future Generation 2) The Ripple Effect of Books 3) Ripple Effect 4) 5) ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: https://www.1000rippleeffects.com ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: www.facebook.com/1000rippleeffects Twitter: www.twitter.com/1000rippleeffec Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: https://www.1000rippleeffects.com ================================================ |
Stacey Huish
I am going to blog and document the journey of creating 1000 Ripple Effects across the world. Archives
January 2023