Inspirational Mentor
Written By: Robyn Mills What I want to talk to you about in today’s blog, is the power of having a special person in your life who believes in you and your work, your ideas and your possibilities. Who tells you the truth when you are drifting off track. Who allows you to make mistakes but also asks you to see them for what they are and change them into a learning experience and a positive in life. A true mentor holds your vision for you, long before you can even see it yourself. I have been lucky enough to have several mentors in recent years. Right now my forever BFF is Rosina. A wise woman with insights into me that I can’t see myself. She is not afraid to tell me the truth or to hear the truth. This is an important trait that not everyone is capable of. It is imperative that I explain to you the distinction between an amazing mentor and a person who tells you what you want to hear. For example, if you make a mistake a friend might say to you “that’s not your fault…the other person should have known better”. That might make you feel better about yourself for a short while, but the lesson that comes from the mistake gets lost in translation and the whole things becomes clouded. A trusted mentor on the other hand might ask you to reflect from the beginning and see when the trouble began. Let me give you an example: I was having fun with a creative task with my grandchildren and had to leave the room to grab a sharper pair of scissors. We were making rainbow pom poms. I walked back into the room to a 6 year old (Scott) protesting that his brother had slapped him across the face. My first instinct was to take the craft away and get angry at Harry, the second grandchild. Luckily I have worked with Rosina (WinWin Parenting) long enough that she was whispering in my ear (metaphorically) and after a breath, I gently asked them to sit up at the kitchen bench and to take me back to the beginning of what happened between them. Let me paint the scene for you. Previously, Scott had asked me to teach him how to make pom poms and I had purchased wool and a plastic pom pom maker, that I hadn’t used before. Much further advanced than the cardboard ones we used to make. Still I made a mistake and the pom pom fell apart, leaving me to yet again, read the instructions and change to a stronger wool. While I was out of the room, Harry reminded Scott that he was having a turn next. Scott apparently said “No your not, I’m make lots” and against Harry’s protests got angrier and called him names. Harry reacted with his hands, slapping Scott across the face. They both agreed that this is exactly the way it had played out. I asked them to see where the first mistake happened. Yep…Scott not wanting to share the pom pom maker. Great moment! I got to ask them how could that have been different. Oh so many ways! I didn’t give them the answers, they worked it out for themselves. Firstly, trying to hold onto something that was a shared experience to prevent your brother having a turn. Secondly, saying things that are not nice to your brother. At the end of this part we got to talk about sharing and family and the joy of watching someone else achieve their goal of making a pom pom. Now to Harry…what could you have done differently? Well, not use my hands in anger to get what I want! Brilliant. Could you please look at each other now and apologise from your heart? Yes! Did I put the pom pom machine away? No…I apologised for my mistake in not reading the instructions properly and choosing wool that broke easily. I role modelled that it is Ok to make mistakes and lets work on it together to see where it went wrong. We also asked Grandpa, because he is great at reading instructions. I was able to mentor my grandchildren because Rosina, mentors me. Rosina teaches parents to mentor their children and she can do this because she is an amazing parent mentor and colleague mentor. A friend with benefits (LOL). She allows me the space to make mistakes and helps me nut them out and see if there is a better way. She holds me in high esteem as I do her and that is a powerful combination. Your takeaways from this blog is to see if you have a friend, mentor, teacher, inspirational leader, who helps you grow and develop and nurtures you along the way. Who ‘gets you’, who walks your talk, who holds you to account in loving ways. A mentor who can see where you are now and assists you to become who you are going to be. This is priceless. Find the person or persons who can be this gift for you and be willing to be vulnerable and open with them. The most important thing is not to be afraid of making mistakes, of telling and hearing the truth. In vulnerability comes great strength. Harry said to me “Your a GREAT Grammie”, I laughed and said “Let’s call me GG for short”. ================================================ Other Blogs Written by Robyn Mills 1) Change 2) Who You are Really Matters 3) Grandparenting: The gift the circle of life brings back to you. 4) What Does it Mean to Love? 5) Inspirational Mentor ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: ================================================
What does it mean to love?
Written by: Robyn Mills When I think about loving another person, It is easier to understand what love might look like. When I think about how I treat someone that I know I truly love, my grandchildren come to mind immediately. When I am around them my heart feels softer, I am kind and understanding, I can’t wait to embrace them, and I certainly afford them graces easily and forgive them when they make mistakes. I love them when they are well behaved and I love them equally when they are behaving poorly. I treat my grandchildren, with kindness and patience. I am happy to repeat something many times while they are learning. I accept that they make mistakes and I teach them how I want to be treated and tell them how to respect me. I make sure there is fun and laughter between us and that there is always time to just BE together. Where does “I love you” come into this conversation. Most people can say “I love you”, but just ‘saying’ you love someone isn’t enough. You can say it 20 times a day and still treat someone in aggressive ways or be mean to them. Love in this way is more a repetition of empty words than a feeling in the heart that vibrates love. It is important to back up your words of love with behaviours that show love towards the other person. Be clear, that I am not saying that we all have to be saints and that we don’t react when something irritates you. But shortly after reacting, you take yourself back to a state of love. Let us look at the love we share with our grandchildren. In a state of love, you are surrounding your grandchild with a safe, loving environment where he/she knows and feels that love. Of course when they are giving you a cuddle, you can feel their unconditional love come towards you and you to them. The key here is to embrace that feeling of love and take it into your heart, that is where the patience and the ability to tolerate the disruptions comes from. Love is like a buffer creating resilience to the daily stressors of being in relationship. Imagine for a moment you go down the street and a stranger looks at you in disgust and yells at you or calls you names. Your hackles rise quickly and you either runaway or get angry and retaliate. With no prior relationship, no love, it is going to be very hard to be calm and loving towards this person. But a grandchild gives you an angry look and says I hate you, you are still shocked, but you try to understand whatever in the world is going on with them in that moment. Love acts like a buffer, like a shock absorber, creating a filter that helps you view incidents in a more understanding way. I must say, that it can be easier to love a child because your expectations of them are far less than the adults in your life. We know they are learning and we give them a safe space where learning can take place. I have given a grandchild as an example, because it is this love that we want to be able to cultivate and replicate with the adults in our lives. In my case, the love I have for my grandchildren has softened me in ways I would never have imagined possible and dissolved barriers that I had built around my heart to shelter me from past emotional wounds. The question that this raises is how then do you also love the adults in your life with the same unconditional and pervasive love that you share with your grandchildren. As I have said, our expectations of our grandchildren are far less than that of an adult. Especially when you think of tiny babies that just need feeding, changing and cuddling. Mostly you know what they want and you are happy to give it to them. Even sleep deprived parents are still able to flood their newborn with love. As children get older and their demands get higher, particularly a two to three year old, who answers back and stomps their feet at you, yelling ‘Nooooo”, your expression of love can often be hindered by overwhelming feelings of frustration. I don’t believe you can feel two emotions at once. Especially polar opposites like anger and love. We talk about unconditional love as being something that goes beyond behaviour or demands of another, as always being there, as an infinite resource between parents and their children, and grandparents and their grandchildren and of adults you are in relationship with. That for me is true. But…what I am exploring here is the expression of love, so that you feel it and your child/grandchild feels it. How many of us grew up not knowing if we were loved, yet if we asked our parents they would say “of course I loved you”. This raises the question of whether the expression of love in the everyday interactions with others is the key. I am not talking about saying ‘I love you’, or writing beautiful cards on valentines day, or a bouquet of roses, which of course enhances feelings of love and is a wonderful part of love. I am talking about the caring, sharing, forgiving and the inclusion of someone into your life, love isexpressed in the everyday moments of life. Love requires being present to yourself and the other. It is easy to be distracted in our fast paced world of technology, not just for teenagers, but for people of all ages, from babies to grandparents, technology consumes and diverts us away from focusing on love. Whether it is television, mobile phones, Ipad or computers, we are all guilty of being distracted from being totally present to the people that we love. We can be experts at multitasking getting many different things done at once and maybe achieving great success in them. But love is different, it can’t be slotted into a multitude of other tasks and distractions. It deserves full attention. It only takes a moment to express love and to feel love. My grandchildren are teaching me that love is in the little moments, the times when you have eye contact and smile from your heart. Little Emily, is still an infant, and when she gains eye contact and a smile from someone, her face lights up and she smiles back. It reminds me of a pure love. She is responding to love with love. The older grandchildren give and receive love too, in many different ways. They say “I love you” all the time without being prompted, they just feel it and express it. If I am ever feeling a bit stressed or under the pump and they ask if there is anything they can do to help, I instantly feel their love by by their thoughts and actions. They sense that I’m not on my “A” game and they step in without hesitation. Likewise, when they want to play something and they want me to join them, I say yes as often as I can. We are teaching each other that the love is in the moments that you choose to share with one another. As adults, we can learn a lot from children and the way they love. Moments of connection throughout the day seem to be enough to build a deep relationship with them. Not just when you are trying to get them to bed and to sleep, but throughout their day. They easily ask for what they want when they want it and they bring their joy and love into the adults world without hesitation. I wonder, how many of these moments we can create with the adults we love. In such a task orientated world, how can we build significant moments of love into our primary relationships. Some might say we are time poor and therefore can’t stop what we are doing to think about the other person. Yet, it only takes a smile, a touch, a kind word for love to be built. In the adult world, sometimes love can seem like a finite resource. You start with a cup of love that’s overflowing and then over time when rejection and hurt take their toll, little by little, the glass is emptied and eventually dries up. That feeling of being unloved can certainly feel dried up and empty. I prefer to think about love on a continuum, where unloved is a feeling at one end and totally loved is feeling at the other. For some people, who may not have experienced love as a child or have been wounded in some way that has shut them down, love has to be rebuilt and they need to be helped move along the continuum. Thinking about love on a continuum can give us awareness of what behaviours and thoughts you have that move you along the continuum towards love and what behaviours and thoughts move you away from love. Likewise, the behaviours and thoughts that you have with your loved ones can also take you towards love or away from love. Of course there is a balance here, it is not the other persons responsibility to make you feel loved or push you along the continuum, however, your interpretation of their thoughts and behaviours towards you will take you towards love or away from love ================================================ Other Blogs Written by Robyn Mills 1) Change 2) Who You are Really Matters 3) Grandparenting: The gift the circle of life brings back to you. 4) What Does it Mean to Love? 5) Inspirational Mentor ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: ================================================ Grandparenting:
The gift the circle of life brings back to you. Written by: Robyn Mills In this blog, I ask you to reflect on your family, in particular your grandparents influence in your life. I came home from hospital a week after the birth of my first child, an excited and proud first mum. As night fell, my daughter began to cry and cried all night long. I realised then, that even though I was a trained nurse with many years experience, I was unprepared for the task of being a parent. My husband who had never been around children was in the same dilemma. Luckily, my motherinlaw was there to help. There is nothing like experience in any area of life to help those who are novices in their field. Parenting too can savour the wisdom of those who have gone before and be bolstered by the hands on experience that our mothers and fathers had. Experiences that have been handed down from the generations before, each tweaking the information to suit the moment at hand. However, in this modern, fast paced society, with multitasking at its fore, how valuable is the experience of the past generation. I know that the world has changed dramatically since I was a young mother and so have I. The current dilemma for parents is one of “expectations vs time” and this seems to be at a greater dissonance now than it has ever been. Often grandparents have more time than parents and less expectations. Grandparents have valuable years of experience whereas the current generation of parents has a wealth of knowledge and advice available to them at a mere click of their fingers. On face value, it would seem that the two positions are miles apart. The most prominent tool that my parents used was to whack us across the backside and send us to bed without our tea. When pushed to his limit, my father would hit us across the face. In his later years, he came to regret this when his son lost his life to a brain tumour, he was riddled with guilt as he thought that the regular whacks to the back of his head may have caused this. My father and brother were heavy smokers and this was much more likely to be the cause, but nevertheless my dad felt he had let Harry down. As a young mother, I never slapped my children across the face, so deleted this parenting reaction from my list of possibilities. I did however hit my children, rarely I might add, across the bottom, in my earlier years of parenting. I stopped doing this overnight when I realised it was a sign of me being totally out of control and that I was repeating a pattern that I did not want to be part of. I certainly wouldn’t send my children to bed hungry either, a threat often made by my parents. It would seem that each generation has had to adapt to the trends of parenting that are resonating in society at the time. My parents adopted the view that children should be seen and not heard. In my time, I decided that my children should have a voice, even if I struggled many a time with the noise of three girls in one household. Everything has changed in parenting for the current. ================================================ Other Blogs Written by Robyn Mills 1) Change 2) Who You are Really Matters 3) Grandparenting: The gift the circle of life brings back to you. 4) What Does it Mean to Love? 5) Inspirational Mentor ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: ================================================ Who you are really matters!
Written by: Robyn Mills To my dearest daughters, Who you are really matters. When my mother (your grandmother) carried me in her belly, through the miracle of life, as I developed into a baby, every egg that I would ever have, was produced before I was even born. These eggs would later have the chance of producing life as they continued to develop during my adolescence. What that means is that the egg that became you, was carried by my grandmother and within it the DNA of my grandfather. In this way, my grandmother and grandfather together as a team, ensured that life had to chance to go on through their combined DNA. It means that the eggs that became my grandchildren, my daughters children, were carried by me and within it the DNA of my husband. This is the miracle of life. The gift you have as a daughter is the potential to give life to the generations that go before you. You are already precious and irreplaceable. You also carry part of us with you where ever you go. The love, the potential for new life is in your hands. Further to this, you were carried by your grandmother in a different generation, with the potential to share her experiences of life. Scientists are continuing to make amazing discoveries about what the DNA carries from the past, memories and experiences, we clearly know that it has the ability to form whole human beings in perfect synchronicity. You carry life for us, long after we have gone. You are important to us, just because you exist. We entrust you with our eternal life. ================================================ Other Blogs Written by Robyn Mills 1) Change 2) Who You are Really Matters 3) Grandparenting: The gift the circle of life brings back to you. 4) What Does it Mean to Love? 5) Inspirational Mentor ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: ================================================ How to Try—A Six Part Blog about Pushing Past Fears to Live a Bigger Life By Kerri Davidson (1,000 Ripples Video Link: ( Part 2: Turn Your World Upside Down I did my first headstand away from the wall in the middle of Times Square in New York City. Every summer solstice, thousands of people gather on brightly colored mats in the middle of Times Square in New York City to practice yoga together—a mass of quiet focus in the midst of chaos. I had been practicing yoga for almost a year when I decided to attend the event with a friend. We practiced on mats shadowed by skyscrapers and learned to find our center of peace in the noisiest of atmospheres. After the class, feeling calm and poised, we checked out the event vendors. We noticed a photographer taking pictures of people doing inversions in front of the building where the ball drops on New Year’s Eve. It was such an Instagram-worthy moment that I couldn’t pass it up; it would be the culmination of a year’s worth of time spent fighting my fear of inversions. I’d been afraid of going upside down ever since I was a kid and my friends had tried to help me into a handstand and my arms couldn’t keep me up. It was mortifying! I hadn’t tried it again until I started taking yoga in New York City. After about a month of classes, my yoga teacher told the class we were going to practice headstands. Completely freaked out at the suggestion, I started making scared faces at my friend across the room. The teacher saw me and asked me to demonstrate a headstand. I quickly protested, explaining that I’d never done a headstand before and couldn’t possibly try it. He saw through my fear and persisted, setting up my mat by the wall. I crouched next to him and whispered, “My arms are not strong enough to hold me up.” Undaunted, he gathered six purple blocks at my mat. He knew the only thing holding me back was fear. He told me that I could do it, that I was strong. For some reason I believed him. I rested my shoulders on the blocks and he guided my legs to the wall until all of a sudden I was doing it, I was in a headstand! Though I wanted to cheer I couldn’t, I was focused on not falling. My arms were tiring quickly and I tried to keep the building panic out of my voice when I asked, “How do I get down?” The teacher raced over and helped me down. I was elated and couldn’t thank him enough. I had done what I’d previously thought was impossible—I went upside down. The impossible was possible. I couldn’t wait to try it again. At the beginning of each class I’d lug six blocks into the studio so that I could do a headstand. I got tired of the annoyed looks of my fellow classmates who would have also appreciated the use of blocks and so I gradually tapered off until I could do a headstand at the wall unassisted. I was still doing them against the wall at the time of the summer solstice. Clouds were forming, rain was coming, and my friend cautioned against it. Still, I knew I could do it and I wanted to prove that to myself. I stood in line, nervously fidgeting until it was my turn. I went up the stairs to the platform. Crowds flowed by, skyscrapers glowed around me, but I was focused, I was ready. I set my arms in the triangle formation I’d done so many times in class, placed my head on the floor, and gradually lifted my legs to the sky. I didn’t quite make it to a perfect vertical line, but it was close enough for me, and if you tilt the picture, it looks just fine. I did the impossible that day and redefined what I was capable of. You can too! Three Things I Learned:
If you Turn this picture of me around, you will see I am in a perfect headstand ================================================
Other Blogs Written by Kerri Davidson 1) Part I: Scuba Diving in a Volcano 2) Part 2: Turn Your World Upside Down 3) 4) 5) ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: ================================================ What Should We Ask Ourselves When Considering Our Career Path?
Written By: Simone Glassom-Pick Obviously the first question to ask someone is: ‘What is your passion?” right? No! Most people find this question very difficult to answer and it causes a great deal of stress. Contrary to popular belief, trying to figure out what our passion is, in order to figure out our career direction, is not the answer. The concept of doing what you are passionate about for a job is well researched and the results are unable to prove that people are more successful doing jobs that they are interested in or like doing in their free time. If you know someone is creative and loves working on computers, ‘knowing’ that the most ‘obvious’ job for them to do is graphic design could well be completely inaccurate. Perhaps spending all day staring at a screen for a job with deadlines and pressure would destroy the creativity and love of working on computers forever. Perhaps working in this manner is the furthest thing from what is really right for them. Career direction must be considered in a holistically, with a big picture approach. One’s personality, values and preferred way of working need to be considered; as well as personal circumstances and priorities. Knowing what doesn’t work for you is just as important as knowing what does work for you. Consider the lives of the people in the jobs you are considering as opposed to only the success of, salary of or work of a person in a career. Consider the after-hours requirements, the study or internships required to be successful in a career path, working hours and so forth. A career must work for who you are, be aligned with your values, personality and lifestyle. For example: being a famous novel writer sounds very attractive, working from home, writing, being creative and earning a good income when books are published. On the down side, writers are dependent on being inspired and creative to produce good content and sometimes remaining inspired and avoiding writer’s block is tough especially when they first start out and receive countless negative responses from publishers. Writers have a solitary work environment which does not work for everyone. It is an extremely long road to becoming a successful writer. Again, consider the lives of the people in the jobs. Gaining work experience, doing volunteer work, an internship or similar is key to knowing what does and does not work for you. When young people who have never had a job before, suddenly have to move into the workforce it is a huge mindset shift for them. This is the reason why part-time or holiday jobs is so important for young adults, as it assists them to gain a working mindset which is invaluable both as an entrepreneur and employee. Be mindful of signing up for a four-year degree and a huge student loan when unsure of what it is you really want to do. Spend time gaining experience, skills and researching jobs before making such a commitment. It is time well spent and will likely avoid spending time and money on the wrong career path. In conclusion, gain experience, learn skills and do your research. Consider your career path with a big picture approach and if you are struggling to think things through get help as determining a career path that is right for you is a skill you will revisit many times in your life. The world is changing continuously and throughout your life, so will you. Get good at determining the career path that is right for you. ================================================ Other Blogs Written by Simone Glassom-Pick 1) Liventure 2) What Should We Ask Ourselves When Considering Our Career Path? 3) 4) 5) ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: ================================================ Stacey Huish for the last 2 years embarked on a journey to collect 1000 stories for a book project for children. The book was entitled: 1000 Ripple Effects.
All 1000 stories in the book were written to help answer life's unanswered questions for those kids out there who had no one. Stacey mentioned this project was not just for the children. This project was about creating 1000 Ripple Effects to create sustainable generational change for children. We are naturally very curious and wanted to find out more. We asked Stacey, What is a ripple effect? A Ripple Effect is an action that continues for a long time, is passed along to everyone it comes in contact with. Just like knowledge being passed down from father to son, or mother to daughter. This continues for generations and generations. My whole life, I have started movements. Back in my first year of TAFE, I took the bus and noticed that no one said Thank you to the bus drivers. This upset me quite a lot. I did something about it. I spent 12 months getting on and off every bus in Brisbane. As I exited the bus, I would say loudly “Thank you, have a great day!” The passengers, started following my lead, and soon the Ripple Effect of Thank You spread to Sydney, and New Zealand. Passengers everywhere were acknowledging the bus drivers. Why are you creating 1000 Ripple Effects? To create sustainable generational change for children. To do this, we need to break old patterns that have not been working. With the right education, knowledge and skills, we can change a whole generation and have it last for many generations to come. We can excite the hearts of young people to live empowered conscious lives of passion. Making positive and life-lasting change through creating a sense of significance and belonging in everyone a Ripple Effect touches. In the future, I will be giving every child the opportunity to learn effective communication skills, parenting skills, and other life skills that will help them move into adulthood. These are some of the Ripple Effects that will be implemented over time. Tell us more about this very first Ripple Effect? The Ripple Effect I am creating right now is the Very First Ripple Effect of 1000 Ripple Effects in total. This one is to strengthen the financial position of the community. A strong financial position allows families to live freely, take care of their health, and have fun in life. With money, they can change their entire lives. “Money is the foundation for everything we want to do in life. Money is the starting point.” ~ Stacey Huish I ran parenting skills training for 20+ years on a donation basis. Everybody paid whatever they could afford. My heart has always been in making sure families had the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed. During those teaching years, it was made clear. There was one thing that truly made the difference to every family. Every family I taught had it. Some families had more and some families had less. But it was the the deciding factor for everything they wanted to do and how they did it. This one thing made every family decision easy and hard.” Now they had the tools to succeed as a family, they needed the money. The path to money is an individual journey. During my teaching years, I watched many families constantly struggle on a daily basis to make ends meet. Parenting skills was not the only thing families needed. To help them strengthen their financial position, I draw upon my business knowledge. Having successfully grown 6 start up businesses, showing others how to Make Money has been a major part of my success. I am passing down my knowledge to them. Giving them the skills needed to strengthen their financial position. Just like the Thank You Ripple Effect with bus drivers, I am hoping that strengthening the financial position of the community will also continue to make a difference for years to come. A Ripple Effect that leaves a lasting legacy in the hearts of many. Why are you focusing on the stay at home mums? Why? Because mums deserve to be supported Why? Because mums are doing the most important work. Mums are there 24/7 looking after the children. Mums are everything for their kids. Mums spend all their time teaching, leading, guiding them, caring for them, comforting them and most importantly loving them. I have a real soft spot for mums. Having been a mum to over 30 kids myself... My heart always goes out the mums.... some days they do it tougher than other days.... I do have to say this.... To all the mums out there.... thank you for wanting to be a mum. Thank you for not giving up on your children from the get-go. For being there from the initial cry, to the cry over a scraped knee, from the first word to the first day of the school, and from the first time you held your child to now, as you swear to never let them go. You are a true inspiration, and your light shines through your children. You deserve a thank you every day, for you chose to never give up, you chose to love. “My Heart Was In Making Sure Families Had The Skills And Knowledge Necessary To Succeed.” ~Stacey Huish My vision: To Strengthen the Financial Position of the Community NOW! Let's Support You Let's Strengthen the Financial Position of the Community, starting with the Stay At Home MUMS! Visit the website for more information. Stay At Home MUMS Ripple Effect ================================================= #StayAtHomeMums #SAHM #WAHM #WorkatHomeMums #NewZealandMUMS #NewZealand #Mums #mothers Change
Written by: Robyn Mills Do you move away from change or towards it. Are you afraid of change and hold on to ‘the way things are’ for grim death. Do you fear change? Does change feel like you are going to lose something that you like? Or, does change feel exciting and you want to reach out and embrace it! Let me, let you into secret! Change occurs throughout life in every nanosecond of your life, within you and around you. Let’s look within you. When you were conceived, which by the way was a miracle, you began as a single cell and out of the millions of sperm looking for you, one beat all the others to find you and began your life. With in seconds one cell became two and two became four and four became eight and so on. At this point, change was imperative for life, not just any little change, but monumental changes. At one point in this massive growth cycle, a cell divided and started to vibrate. This cell is different to the other cells and knows it. When it has multiplied many times, they will vibrate in unison and eventually, will become the heart beat. Without these changes you would not exist. Changes don’t stop when we are born, our bodies continuously change until our last breath. Our minds continue to grow and change as we gather knowledge and wisdom, as we learn new things we become capable of doing more in our world. Our opinions change, our circumstances change, our friendships change, our jobs change, our dreams and visions change and our understanding of who we are changes. Have you ever held on tight to a friendship that is destructive in your life? Probably because you thought without that friend you would be alone? Perhaps holding onto that friend, created a block preventing the right kind of friend to step into your life? Sometimes you need to create a space for the new to enter. In that space, you get to feel who you are and what you want, in the silence of the space between things and people. Perhaps you have held onto a relationship that holds you back rather than supports you as you move forward. Afraid that if you let that relationship go, you will never find another one. Believing that the one you have is the best you can have because you don’t deserve any better. Moving away from change is like holding onto ‘what is’ so tightly that ‘what is to come’ has not room to enter. I love change! This doesn’t mean that I throw things away without thought or contemplation. It means that I look for ways to grow and develop and to be the best I can be. I see life as dynamic not static. That means that I embrace change, I honour it and I welcome it as I would welcome an old friend. I see change as opportunity. Like everything else in life I see that we can move towards something or away from it. Strengthen our growth or weaken it by being afraid. Of course, there are times when change should be avoided because it would be detrimental to our survival. But the change I am talking about is the change where you see an opportunity and you embrace it. Where you leave self-doubt at the door and reflect about the new possibilities that change can bring. Even when that heart beat stops, change occurs, whether you embrace it or not. Affirmation I embrace change. I value it, I honour it and I welcome change as an old friend. Change is everywhere. I am the embodiment of change. Bring it on! ================================================ Other Blogs Written by Robyn Mills 1) Change 2) Who You are Really Matters 3) Grandparenting: The gift the circle of life brings back to you. 4) What Does it Mean to Love? 5) Inspirational Mentor ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: ================================================ |
Stacey Huish
I am going to blog and document the journey of creating 1000 Ripple Effects across the world. Archives
July 2024