Written by: Louise Keramaris Founding and Coaching Director for Infinite Inspiriation. www.infiniteinspiration.com.au 17 November 2016 "I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of this Land" I had the pleasure of learning a very deep process of “inner work” coaching with Marvin Oka recently. The training transformed my inner reality so intensely that I was inspired to harness that understanding of thought, to then explore how it arrives at each doorstep of creation and how one thought transmitted in time and space becomes the newly created reality that unfolds as behaviour to thread the new chapter of a human beings life! Wow, that is mighty deep..I hear you saying! You may at this point of respite, grab yourself a cup of tea and soak up the rest of the 1996 words in this unfolding chapter that is me! So where was I? Oh yes…I hope you reading this can see, feel, hear and perhaps touch upon what I am saying here….If you can keep an open mind (not closed!) and persevere it will be well worth it….I know what some of you may be saying…what the beegeeebees (or perhaps a tad stronger word here #@#%#!!) is this blog all about….who writes such stuff??? ..Will I bother continuing…?!! And then there is a slither of curiosity in you that goes…”come on give her a go I may well just learn something….”Ok here I go again…” It is the ultimate transmission of this energy into thought, that emerges crossing a gap from one human being into the consciousness of another, to then manifest what was once imagined, by spurring this next human being to create the words, language, the behaviour and the actions from what was once a mere whisper of a thought, picture or feeling. Wowser… yes that was one long sentence and did you notice that you needed to take one long deep breath too…Remember to breathe and take deep even breaths too to calm and relax your system…So give yourself a round of applause that you got this far and you can now have a big SIGH!....The rest is much easier to follow…trust me…I’ve been there already… The magic key unlocks the magnificence of this graceful energy once imagined and now manifest in action. I see this zone as the gateway to infinite inspiration. I hear a distant echo of Wayne Dyer’s spirit saying “this is to be “in-spirit – the source of – in-spirat-ion”. It is from here that which is imagined and the act of creation is born. The following is a journey of this understanding and how the transmission of my learning was transmuted from a thought to the act …or do I just say through language but it’s more than that as it’s combining intent and the source or X factor…you get my drift (hopefully!!???)…so how the act of the coaching process that became the rippling effect permeates into the new consciousness. I started with asking my client to take their breath into the heart as the heart signals more signals up to the brain (was it 16 more times? Or 98% more times….I remember hearing 16 more times from Kerwin Rae my wonderful business mentor and I think Marvin said 98% times) up to the brain than the other way round (I bet that came as a surprise for a few of you!….), it then flowed to the gut and then went back up through the heart to then connect with the brain and ultimately arrive in a thought, feeling and picture to then translate into language and then I watched my client state the action they were going to take after a few more prompting questions by me. This is the most powerful expression of the ripple effect. It is this process that fascinates the beegggeeebeees out of me! Is it just me…or you reading this feeling thinking and hearing the same thing? Please let me know as I would prefer not to continue to stand alone in this….. I’d be very interested and most curious to hear your reflections on this….Any?....Anyone out there?.... So back to where I was learning the process……With my coach gently guiding my breathing a question is asked of me What is the most important thing for you right now? A seed of options and possibilities arrives at the sacred centre of my heart. I am in awe that the heart plays such a huge role in emanating the energy field of my infinite source. This field appears foreign to me. As my breathing deepens there is a familiarity that looms and a light crack opens to reveal the source of all there is, ever was and will be. I am a breath away from the infinite realm of creation, inspiration and manifestation. I have arrived home. At this point, I answer it is love or rather a love so magnificent enshrined in peace and so much more. It is a strong feeling that has no boundary. I take another deep breath. I realise there is wisdom in that source, a truth and a knowing where there are no questions and where language has no place. It is the essence of I am or perhaps it is I am-ing. It is my truth emerging and unfolding, re-engaging and being embodied at both a visceral, heart and head level. A shimmering light is being transmitted into every cell of my creation. This is my being, my expression of humanity unfolding. I now know what I need to do as a coach, the language that I need to use and the way I need to engage to firstly embrace this change in me and in turn generate the change in each of my clients. I have a knowing that this is the ripple effect that I have longed to experience for my entire life and the lifetimes before me…..I told you it gets deep…I hope there are still some of you that are here now reading this……Is that tea getting cold?...I continue…. A rippling vibration of this source frequency is now permeating into each cellular activity across each system and every organ. The lightness of being is emerging towards a new becoming. A transmission of truth is being exchanged across each neural pathway. I can hear myself saying “Oh Louise I think you have got this now!! Or do you? …Just imagine what is possible now as you go even deeper with each of your clients….what a gift to support them to find their own inner wisdom and take action from this place as conscious leaders on this planet…not from that superficial blah blah conditioned sheep mentality…blah blah..!….Yes I know I might sound a bit out there…but it’s true… this is how I see myself…the activator of each seed within each being to take massive action to create a better humanity….aaagh the dream….Well you gotta dream it first don’t you!....I continue…. A slight shift, a movement in the moment, a micro-cosmical perceptual step in one breath and all of this is emerging. What is important to me right now? What are my highest values at my heart? What is the essence of my heart in my coach- client relationships? Diving deep into my heart the ripple of a vibrational wave seeps into each chamber and valve. Pulsating the grace of life in an expanding heart of abundance of love is the honest truth. A glimmer of recognition arrives. An ancestral memory carries the joy and lightness of ease and expansion. This grace wraps the whole universe with a caress that has no beginning and no end. The magnificence of this caress carries a flood of emotion of enormous compassionate humility and gratitude. The warmth of energy sends out ripples of bliss shrouded in peace and equanimity. Oh my goodness!!! Wow…I’m excited…….I can see it now...Imagine this energy fuelling each of my clients and in turn that fuels them and then they use this energy to expand their business with from a place of integrity and strength…And…if they want to change careers then they will be able to do so aligned to their values and hold true as change agents in their chosen environments….WOW…true Empowerment at last!....I know I get carried away…let’s continue cause I can feel a novel coming on….ha ha ha….or maybe??? Do you think it’s novel worthy???...Ok…ok…I’ll keep going… As the crest of the wave essence energy permeates my visceral core a safe haven foundation lays to rest the tension and upheaval of many lifetimes. The key to protect and serve unlocks the inner sanctum to reveal a freedom in this queendom. At last the unleashing of the raw feminine has begun. The inward breath brings an instant relief. The sacred womb is ready for the identity to be re-birthed. At last a rocking motion sets in train the field strengthening as it wraps in on itself……..a bit of an aside..but important to explain here…I did ask Marvin Oka a question about the role of feminine and masculine energy and if I recall correctly the response was along the lines that there is an imbalance currently in humanity and the planet is seeking this….more collaboration and heart-centred approach…..I also heard something very similar from my spiritual mentor Ger Lyons…he is another extraordinary being…ok…I better continue… To ride the next crest of the wave at the base of the heart as it now has embodied the new wisdom of a safe haven in the queendom. The re-birth is enshrined in the glory of the ecstasy of loving nature – a nature that knows only the love and inspiration of the creator. A love that is infinite and empowering. Another crest of a wave tips the flow of energy up to my head. The braining of what is artfully innovative and creative expresses itself here. This is the unique moment experience. A presence that knows itself as connected to ONE yet also has the expression of all possibilities and potentiality. A presence that realises it has all the capabilities that require the profound expression of this being…hopefully I don’t need to explain this….have you heard of the notion of WE ARE ALL ONE….and like fractals we are just inside one another…inside one another…inside one another…inside one another…..Ok if you don’t get this …we can explore it together somewhere else……let me know if you are interested in this?…do you think I’ve figured it all out yet? Heck No!!! The witness sees a miraculous birth of this vibrant emerald shoot emerging from the fracture on the surface of the seed. A burst of the first shoot, a residue of discomfort and growing pain that feels perfectly positioned. A gasp of air, a new breath sends the rippling current through my torso into an ethereal vortex by-passing all form and boundaries as if by an invisible force enshrining my being in this new matrix – the new field that will carry nurture and feed all that is necessary. It sets the condition for birth beyond survival to a place of higher consciousness, evolved understanding, honest meaning, wise possibilities that create wiser choices and decision making…..Now does it make sense? …We each need to arrive here….in this place…in order to make the higher consciousness-based decisions…as opposed to the fleeting….superficial…skim surfacing ones…..with no depth, no connection to values or character or implications or consequences of all of us acting as ONE….I think you have got this…..profound hey!!... The baby shoot knows no other and there is no need or want to as the truth, trust and transformation has begun. A megastar of astronomical proportions exists. A thought is born on a crest of this, a word is spoken, an action is taken the learning is integrated and all of this from the guidance of my coach as the in-breath, and on the crest of the out-breath - the gap between one ripple and the next from thought, feeling and image to words, language, action and transformed reality. Grace personified…..PHEW….You made it…congratulate yourself…can you see it? Feel it? Hear it? Does it resonate with you? Is this your experience? Share your thoughts..reflections…questions with me…..and yes I’m ready to hear all the objections as well…..like I said I’m just figuring it out….and this blog..one of a few more to come (hopefully!!) connects me to you and hopefully transpires into a thought, a word and an action or two…..the rippling effect of one as opposed to two!! We are but fractals me and you!! Yahoo!!!.... ================================================
Other Blogs Written by Louise Keramaris 1) A Thought is Born 2) The Ripple Effect - An Ode to Inventors 3) The Ripple Effect - Water Poetry in Motion. 4) Your Ripple Effect - What Drives Your Own Engery 5) An Interview with John Broadbent ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: https://www.1000rippleeffects.com ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: www.facebook.com/1000rippleeffects Twitter: www.twitter.com/1000rippleeffec Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: https://www.1000rippleeffects.com ================================================
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Stacey Huish
I am going to blog and document the journey of creating 1000 Ripple Effects across the world. Archives
January 2023