Written by: Jenny Whyte
Many times in our lifetime we hear a few words that can and ultimately do make a difference to us and how we view the world around us! Sometimes, it's not till later in life that we find the wisdom in our thoughts and feelings! Sometimes, it's through hardship that we learn our greatest lessons! Everyone has challenges to overcome in their life, without exception! Some of the simple things I would truly love to share with you have been gathered together in these few short pages! We may look at others and think 'how lucky they are', however, if we knew their challenges we may prefer to stick to our own! Challenges are part of life's experience! To learn and grow! To learn how to react and handle them! To become stronger, more compassionate towards ourselves and others! Possibly, our challenges can lead us towards our purpose in life! To being able to share with others from our own heart and experience! I would like to share some things that could make life easier and more enjoyable than it's may appear today! There are always others less fortunate than ourselves! Start everyday with three things that you are grateful for! Even if you need to really think hard, do it, because it will change your day! Your week! Your month and ultimately your life! When you start your day with gratitude, you start your day with a positive outlook, and then little miracles are drawn to you! Positivity is Powerful! Gratitude or thoughts of gratefulness can be about simple easy things!
Always live with an Attitude of Gratitude The power of gratitude attracts what we want, improves relationships, reduces negativity and improves problem solving! Some of the most successful people in the world were not born with a silver spoon in their mouth, in fact some of the most beautiful, powerful human beings had to overcome challenges, and now are some of the most influential role models Thomas Edison who developed the light globe, he failed 1000 times before being successful! He was an ordinary person who achieved an extraordinary accomplishment! "Our greatest weakness, is in giving up, the most certain way to succeed, is to give it one more go" Thomas Edison Steven Spielberg one of the greatest movie directors of all time! He was rejected by The Californium cinematic multiple times, his dream! He kept pursuing his dreams, believing he could make it! At the age of 17 he snuck into a real life filming at universal studios! Then continued to pursue his dream! Did you know? Charlie Chaplin, Harry Houdini, Ella Fitzgerald, Daniel Craig, Jim Carey just to mention a few, sometime in their lifetime they were challenged with not having a home; living out of a suitcase; living in their car; being homeless; not knowing where their next dollar was coming from! True! They all had something! A Dream! A purpose! A determination! A belief! I believe within each of us there is this spark! It's a feeling hat we are more than what we perceive ourselves to be! I call it the Giant Within. None of us are without it, sometimes, we just need to remember who we are, how magnificent we are, how incredible we can be! Not from an outside perspective but from an internal perspective!
If we look for a positive in every situation, we may find the joy we are seeking! Your thoughts create your feelings! Your feelings create your actions! Your actions create your results! Your results create your belief systems! I remember learning many years ago about 'stinkin thinkin' and sometimes during my life's experiences I have fallen back into stinking thinking! You hear this little voice in your head and it sounds something like this; YOU "I love singing and I'm going to audition for The Voice!" Voice in head "Ha ha! You! You're not good enough! You will make a fool of yourself! Ha ha!! I also learnt a great tool to overcome those negative chats! I refer to it as Mr Pozzie and Mr Neggie It started out this way; Mr Pozzie sat on my right shoulder and Mr Neggie on my left During the day as I have internal dialogue both parties chat to me....Mr Pozzie always has something good to say, whilst (yes, you guessed it) Mr Neggie just feeds negative feedback! Well I learned the 'finger flick' you make a circle with your index finger and your thumb, when Mr Neggie starts negative feedback you turn to your left shoulder and you assertively give Mt Neggie The Flick! Keep doing it....even if it takes as many times as Thomas Edison did...you will succeed! It finishes on a positive! With your left hand turn to Mr Pozzie who sits on your right shoulder and you thank him for his love and support! For always being there for you! For always encouraging you! For believing in you! For being patient and caring! If you are really brave you may even wish to tell Mr Pozzie 'I love you"! If we look for the positive in every situation, we will find the joy we are looking for! May the Giant Within you guide you to all that your true heart desires! May you enjoy a life filled with love, peace and prosperity! Go do it!
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