What is really holding you back
Written for Ripple Effects by Rachel Allan, marketing consultant, author and mum. 8 March 2018 How often have you wondered how someone does everything they do? Have you ever stopped to think about how you show up in the world? Maybe others wonder how you do it? Most people achieve what they do because they are so connected to their purpose. Desire drives them. If you are not achieving what you want to – or feel like you are not living your life to its true potential. Who do you think can change this? Who has the power to make your life better? Your life won’t get better while you sit on the couch complaining. Nor if you sit there dreaming about what your life could look like. There is no magic fairy dust you can sprinkle and become the person you want to be. You need to change. To do something differently. If you continue to do the same thing repeatedly you will get the same results. Do something differently. Make a change – as small as it seems, you will set yourself on a different path. The best time to start making your life better is today. Life moves so fast. Before you realise a week has gone by, a month, a year. Imagine if you had made the change a year ago – what would your life look like today? Many people do not make the changes because they are stuck in the past. There is a story telling you not to make the change – you have tried in the past to have a successful business, lose the weight, have a fulfilling relationship. Stop living in the past. Press the reset button and start again. Learn from your failures but don’t let them shape your future. Maybe you are stuck in the future. Always thinking about the things that could go wrong. Over-thinking the outcomes, always dreaming. Making the dreams bigger and bigger – becoming more and more unattainable. Stop dreaming and start doing. Be present in your life. Enjoy the small things in your everyday life. Your children. Pets. Partner. Friends. Nature. Coffee. Those everyday things which help you stay in the moment. By slowing your mind, you make magic, your fairy dust moments! Who do you think has the power to make your life better? Do you get it? It is you. You alone can have the power to create a life you deserve. To serve the people you need to serve. You go this. There maybe times where the craziness of life catches up to you and you feel slightly out of control. Just refocus, press reset and go again. You got this. Keep telling yourself that. Change your thinking, make new habits. You got this. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Remember those big dreams you had sitting on the couch. The bigger, bigger vision of your future you had while daydreaming. You are not going to get to your end goal overnight – remember no fairy dust! If you break down your dream or vision into goals, and then actions you can take every day. Making small changes for a larger impact. Start today, be present, you got this and make small changes for large impact. Understand the only person who has control of your future is you. ================================================ Other Blogs Written by Rachel Allan 1) Who Are You? 2) Achieving Balance in Your Life 3) What Is Really Holding you Back? 4) Time For Action. 5) Planning For Marketing Success ================================================ 1000 Stories Creating 1000 Ripple Effects Across the World! ► Follow the 1000 Ripple Effects Journey: https://www.1000rippleeffects.com ► Subscribe To: 1000 Ripple Effects Youtube Channel Share this Blog. Spread the motivation. ================================================ FOLLOW US: Facebook: www.facebook.com/1000rippleeffects Twitter: www.twitter.com/1000rippleeffec Youtube: Link to Youtube Channel Website: https://www.1000rippleeffects.com ================================================
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